Dr. Vandross

Knowledge is Power: The importance of educating patients considering clinical studies

Dr. Andrae Vandross, who leads NEXT – Austin, has always had an invested interest in science and research. NEXT Oncology provided him the opportunity to combine his inquisitive drive in the laboratory with his compassion in the clinic to help identify the next therapies to treat cancer patients.  His highest priority in leading Phase I clinical trials is educating his …

Dr. Wilks Brings a Focus on Breast Cancer Research to NEXT Oncology

Dr. Sharon Wilks considers her ability to work in cancer care a gift from heaven. But for those who have worked beside her or who have been treated by her, they consider her to be the gift. It seems that even after more than three decades of research and clinical cancer care, Dr. Wilks still follows her heart and puts …

Dr. Sommerhalder

Clinical Compassion Motivates Dr. David Sommerhalder

Dr. David Sommerhalder has the heart and passion to find a cure for his patients through Phase I clinical research at NEXT Oncology. However, his path to get here took a few twists. In the end, he found his true calling. Originally from Longview, Texas and the son of a radiologist, Dr. Sommerhalder had an interest in medicine that began …

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Meet NEXT Oncology’s Founder, Dr. Anthony Tolcher

Dr. Anthony Tolcher has spent nearly 40 years looking after patients, and today his compassion and drive to care for patients remains as strong as the day he graduated from medical school. With a targeted interest in the development of new anticancer agents and a focus in molecular genetic targets for cancer therapy, Dr. Tolcher founded NEXT Oncology with a …

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Phase I Clinical Trials – A Necessity in the Advancement of Cancer Therapies

Dr. Anthony Tolcher, medical oncologist and co-founder of NEXT Oncology has said, “We are going to make cancer treatable or curable in my lifetime.” For that to happen, scientists, physicians and patients must come together to develop and test the latest anti-cancer therapies. And this begins with Phase I oncology clinical trials. What are Clinical Trials? Clinical trials are the …